Tuesday, July 30, 2013


Jordan is 3 years old!
Here are his stats from his check up:
Weight 36 lbs 8 oz 90th percentile
Length 38.25 inches 75 percentile
Body Mass Index: 17.5 kg/m2

Jordan really got into swimming in the pool this summer. This green floater gave him so much confidence to go for it and swim around without Mom and Dad. It is so awesome to see his confidence grow. He likes being a shark and going after any unsuspecting swimmers... mostly Mom and Dad. 

Jordan also enjoys being a knight and fighting dragons, he also likes being Peter Pan and fighting Captain Hook. Most recently he has gotten into Buzz Lightyear and loves to go "To infinity and beyond!" Jordan also likes airplanes, rockets, and basically anything that can fly.

Favorite foods: Alfredo noodles, jam sandwiches (no peanut butter because that's yucky), most fruit, crazy bread (the pizza that the crazy bread comes with is ok), frosting, marshmallows, apple juice, and really any kind of liquid he can drink besides water.

Potty Training: Jordan was a potty training CHAMPION! I am soooo glad we waited until he was three to start. He had a few accidents to start, but after about two weeks it was pretty much routine. He would get a BIG marshmallow after going potty and that was enough motivation for him.

We talked about potty time a lot before trying. Telling him about how big boys wear underwear. They listen to their bodies, stop what there doing, and go potty. He also really liked getting Buzz Lightyear underwear. That was the coolest thing ever for him. So between marshmallows, Buzz underwear, being old enough to understand what his body was feeling, it went far better then we could have planned. Way to go Jordan! Lets hope all our kids do this well. 

Here are some funny things Jordan says... at least the ones I can remember... it's hard to keep up:

J Man: "I don't like Emperor Zurg... if I am friends with him he will tie me up."

J Man: "I am Spider Man!" Me: "Who told you about Spider Man?" J Man: "Um, Heavenly Father."

J Man: "I love you Mommy because I love you."

J Man: "I am Spider Man... I have wonders... and numb chucks."

"To infinity and beyond!"

My prince defending me from dragons. 

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