Thursday, December 15, 2011

Computer Kid

Here is our computer kid. Jordan is such a smart little guy and he picks up on everything his parents do. I really think he'll know how to use a computer better than me someday. It's amazing how much he is learning. Enjoy the video!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Way to go Nick!

Congratulations to Nick for graduating last Friday with his Bachelor's Degree in Secondary Education! You are going to be an awesome teacher and coach! Way to go!

We were so happy to be there to show you our love and support.

At the graduation ceremony Jordan was feeling like a big kid in his own seat.

Family supporting Nick on his great accomplishment. You earned it, you got it, and now you get to enjoy the rewards of all that work!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

'Tis the season

Ah, Temple Square... always a beautiful and uplifting place to be. We went as a fam to check out the lights. It's always amazing to me how many lights there are. When Jordan saw the temple his eyes went really wide. It's so fun to see him grow and learn about this big world.

All smiles at Temple Square... well Jordan's more like, "what are we doing?"

I love Christmas lights!

Jordan found the reflection pool. It didn't matter to him that the water was freezing. It's water... what else matters, right? It took some effort to get him away from it.

Ben and fam, us, Charlie, Bart, Ron, and Mom. It was quite the get together.

The Roylance Christmas Party was a blast! We saw family, had great food, and Jordan got to hit a pinata! What could be better?

Dad giving Jordan come coaching.

When the pinata exploded... Jordan was happy to find that he got candy. His facial expression totally says... "oooohhhh."

Here's Santa at our ward Christmas party. He looks so jolly and friendly.

But not to Jordan... he was TERRIFIED!!!

Still terrified... The picture is shaky because I was laughing so much.

Trauma over... he got a toy car from Santa.
Maybe he's not so bad after all. We'll see what he thinks of Santa next year.

Here's our cute little guy. He's on the "nice list" for sure. Have a Merry Christmas everyone! Make it a wonderful one filled with family, friends, and centered on our Saviors beautiful birth.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

A very Murray Thanksgiving

This year we had a very Murray Thanksgiving! We were up north in Ogden and had Thanksgiving held in a church gym. That tells you how many Murray's were there. The food was delicious and the company was outstanding!

All these folks are Murray's!
It was quite the get together.

Here's Jordan enjoying his juice after his meal of yams, turkey, and whatever else we could get into his mouth. He's starting to get picky about food... not fun.

After the food the guys participated in a crazy game of dodge ball! Everyone loved it! I am so grateful for family and especially for how families can be together forever. This is a special time for us as we are soaking in as much family as we can before we move to Arizona. We have been greatly blessed by our Heavenly Father in obtaining an education, having a job, having the church all around the world, our wonderful family, our marriage, and our sweet son to name a few. Let us always remember to be thankful.
Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The Job!

We have accepted a job with Honeywell in Tuscon, Arizona!
We will be there by January. Preston starts work on the 9th. We feel so blessed by our Heavenly Father. Wish us well.
We are excited for this new adventure in our lives.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Dinosaurs go Rarrrr!

Jordan has a new favorite toy. He's really into dinosaurs right now. He can even do the sound effects. We think it's the cutest thing ever. Enjoy and smile :)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween everyone!
I hope yours was a great one! Here are (left to right) Bart, Preston/Hillary/Jordan's, and Ron's creativity of making our jack-o-lanterns. I was impressed with all of them. Bart's was... can you guess??? Jack The Pumpkin King, ours was just a scary pumpkin and Ron's was so funny... it's a Taiwanese person. You can tell where he's been for the past two years? You can't see it in this dark picture but Ron's has a little hat on too.

Here we are showing Jordan how to carve a pumpkin. It's so fun to show our little guy new things.

Here's everyone working hard on their creations. It was really fun! We haven't all carved pumpkins together since we were little. Ah memories....

Jordan looking at the pumpkin like... "What are you doing dad?"

Here is Jordan and I at the ward Trunker Treat. He thought it was pretty strange. I can understand... he's never seen anything like it. Next year he'll probably get more excited.

Here's Jordan's cute costume. He's our little skeleton. P.S. it glows in the dark too!

Mommy and Jordan... Happy Halloween!

Here are some really impressive pumpkins from the Trunker Treat. Fun times.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Charlie, Cara, Bart, and Preston all showed up late Thursday night to surprise Ron. Mom and I were trying to keep him up late enough to be able to see the gang. There was a ring from the door bell and we told Ron he had to answer it. He did and was happily surprised!

While in Washington we had a chance to do a lot of fun things. We watched a BYU football game at the Russell's house with Kira, Jason, and their little guy David.

We played a lot of Uno. Not sure how the Uno marathon got started but it brought a lot of laughs with it.

We went to the Webb's favorite park, Illahee and had fun times there. We actually saw tons of wildlife... or should I say marine life while we were there. It was all very different for Cara. We saw jellyfish, crabs, starfish, fish, seagulls, and I might be forgetting some. Here's Bart carefully handling a crab they caught.

Charlie and Cara having fun on the dock.

Jordan was having fun on the beach. It took some real effort to not let him run into the water. Here's Preston showing Jordan how to write his name in the sand. How cute!

Mommy and Jordan. This was the first time that Jordan has been to Washington. It was so fun to show him my favorite things about the Great Northwest and to show him where I grew up. True he won't remember it, but it was still fun.

Here's the fam walking on a trail at Illahee State Park. What fun times we all had together. Welcome home Ron! We love you!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Elder Webb's arrival home

Elder Webb (aka) Wang Zhanglao 汪長老 returned home on October 25th, 2011. He served in the Taiwan Taichung Mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. We welcomed him home with love and great joy in seeing him again. This poster was made by the ward primary. What a nice thing to do for Elder Webb.

Here was our first view of the returned missionary at the airport! He's got a look on his face of excitment, exhaustion, and simply trying to take in such a big change. We are happy to report that Ron is adjusting well and it is great fun to hear him speak Chinese.

Mom and I were able to be at the airport to see our favorite missionary return home.

Toby Rebb was able to come to the airport also. Toby arrived home from his mission from Brazil just the previous week. I think Toby and Ron will do a lot of hanging out... as pseudo companions.

Elder Webb chatting and taking in the moment.

Mom and the last of the Webb missionaries. Ron completes 5 Webb returned missionaries. From start to finish the Webb missionaries have served in Germany, Honduras, South Carolina, Mexico, and Taiwan. What an amazing blessing it has been for our family to have these missionaries serve the Lord for two years.

Suprise! Big J (officially Uncle J) "flew low" all the way from Texas to be here for Ron's arrival. Ron was very suprised to see him. He was there to send him off on his mission and he was there when he returned home.

Here's the returned missionary standing next to some neat Taiwan scrolls that he brought back. Ron is very fluent in both reading and speaking Chinese. It is very impressive to hear him speak such a difficult language. It is also very wonderful to hear about the people he taught and the things he learned on his mission.

Welcome Home Elder Webb!!!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Family Photos Fall 2011

Last week my brother Charlie was kind enough to be our family photographer. He did an amazing job! We absolutely love the photos! Here they are for all of you to enjoy!

These photos where taken on the BYU campus. Our little boy is getting so big and is such a joy in our lives. This is our last semester at BYU and we are trying to enjoy every minute of it before we move on to...... ??? TBA

The colors in Rock Canyon were amazing! It looks almost unreal.... but it's not, I promise. I love how the leaves in this picture has a touch of green in them. It is a gorgeous contrast!

Here is a super cute picture of Jordan and his Mommy. Jordan was trying to get me to eat the leaf. What a precious moment.

Here's another precious moment of Jordan and his Daddy. Jordan loves ducks and had a blast chasing them at the duck pond on BYU campus.

Here is the Murray Family as of Fall 2011. We are happy and so blessed to be sealed together for time and all eternity. Families can be together forever and we plan on making the Murray family one that will last always.