Monday, April 23, 2012

Exciting News!

Yes, you guessed it by the picture! WE ARE EXPECTING! The due date is October 25th! We are excited for this new member of our family to arrive. What an amazing miracle pregnancy is. We feel so blessed.

Here is a picture of Jordan wearing his "Big Brother" t-shirt. We know he's going to be a great big brother. We think it'll be so fun for him to have a little buddy to play with. Exciting times! Make your guesses for what you think we're going to have. We'll find out in June.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Our 5th Anniversary!

On April 12th Preston and I celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary! It has been a wonderful 5 years filled with lots of good times, change, teamwork, laughs, growth, support, and love. During these 5 years we have lived in Idaho, Washington, Utah, and now Arizona. We have both graduated from college with our bachelors and Preston with his masters. We have had our sweet little boy Jordan join our family.

An eternal marriage is wonderful and brings so much peace into our lives. I am so grateful to be sealed/married to my best friend for eternity. We are living happily ever after...

Friday, April 13, 2012

Easter 2012

We had a lot of fun this Easter. Jordan had his first try at Easter egg coloring. He did a great job and went the extra mile to also color his hands. We have so much fun watching Jordan experience and discover new things. I absolutely love his big smile in this picture. He is having such a blast getting messy.

Enjoy this video of Jordan coloring eggs with his Dad. Jordan brings a lot of laughter into our home. He is such a bright part of our lives.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Rocket Science

A couple of Saturday's ago we headed to a rocket show in a near by town. It was the ultimate boy scout experience! Kids, adults, and everyone in between went to this rocket show to fire off their own rocket that they had made or to just watch. I loved what this sign said, "Yeah... It's rocket science." Super funny.

Here is Preston trying to show Jordan where the rockets went after they fired off. It took him a little while to catch on to what people were doing. He liked the rockets, until there were some loud ones... then he said, "home... home."

Here is a picture of just a third of one of the hard core rockets that were at the show. This one was huge! Too bad Jordan wanted to head out.. it would have been neat to see these big ones go off. Maybe we'll come back next year and see what he thinks about the rockets when he's a little older.

Here is Preston and Jordan next to a big Crayola Crayon rocket. It was so big! I wonder what was put in this rocket to get it off the ground? Preston is sooo excited to build a rocket with Jordan someday. This day at the rocket show he was already starting to plan what they could make. I agree, it'll be really fun watching my two guys making things together.