Saturday, April 30, 2011

Fun times with Grandma Suzie

Grandma Suzie was in town in early April. She got to have fun with Jordan while she was here. It was so great to have her visit on her way down to New Mexico to see Grandma Sharon.

Here is Jordan at the park loving the swing.

Jordan hanging out on the grass. Spring is slowly coming back to Provo... and I mean really slow... it snowed this morning. Eventually Jordan will be able to enjoy warmer weather and greener outdoors.

Jordan and his mommy watching the big kids run around at the park.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Michelle's Bridal Shower

One of my best friends growing up is engaged! Michelle Lizon soon to be Michelle Nielson will be sealed in the Logan Temple this coming May 6th. I am so happy for her. Here are photos of her Bridal Shower.

Preston and Jordan having fun with balloons.

Jordan really thought the balloons were simply amazing.

Michelle and here sister Raechel. She did most of the work for the shower. She's such a great sister.

Michelle's friends all crammed into our living room. She's got a lot of friends that love and support here... no surprise there.

Congratulations Michelle!!! The special day is approaching fast.