Monday, May 23, 2011

Jordan's mobile!

Jordan is officially mobile! On May 15th he did his first forward crawl and he's done nothing but moved moved moved ever since. The neat thing was Preston got to witness the event. We were playing on the floor with Jordan after church and he crawled for Preston's cell phone. Electronics are still the thing that gets him crawling the fastest.

"Peekaboo!" Where will he be next? I am finding I've got to keep a closer eye on my little mover. It is so neat that he can go and explore more of this big world.

Preston and Jordan having some father son time playing on the floor.

Fun times! Notice Jordan's got his hand on his prize.... Preston's phone. Jordan certainly fits into this generation of loving electronic devises. We are so proud of all that Jordan is learning to do. In the past couple of days after crawling he has learned to go from his tummy to sitting and he's started pulling up on things. It's totally time to baby proof our home!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Sealed for Eternity

On May 6th, 2011 Mark and Michelle Nielson were sealed for eternity in the Logan Temple. Michelle has been my dear friend since... well nursery and I am so thrilled that I was able to come and be a part of this special day! We are all so happy for the two of you! Congratulations!

"True Wove! That bwessed awangment... that dweam wifin a dweam."

The excitement is shared by all the family and friends.

My other dear friend Kira was able to come to the wedding too. It was so fun to spend time with her and her little boy David.

Here is a picture of David running around playing and Jordan eating his shoe... which would never stay on by the way. Oh well, he looked cute for the rare minutes his shoes were on.

Here is the wonderful Lizon family! I hadn't seen some of Michelle's siblings in years. It was fun to catch up and see how well they are all doing... not to mention how grown up their kids are getting.

Here Jordan and I are in front of the Logan Temple. Jordan is looking at something obviously more interesting then the camera.

Here are my two favorite guys! As the day went on I reflected on the joy the gospel brings to having families sealed together for time and all eternity. I feel so blessed to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and to be sealed to my immediate and extended family forever. What joy this gospel brings.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Cambria's Graduation 2011

Preston's sister Cambria graduated from the University of Utah on May 5th, 2011 in Social Work. We are proud of her and her great accomplishment! Way to go! Here is a sweet picture of her and her hubby Nic.

Marissa, Cam, and Preston all smiles in the celebration of the evening.

Cambria and her proud father.

Friends and family there for Cambria on her big day! Way to go girl!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Jordan's first hair cut!

It was time to give Jordan his first hair cut. Now that his helmet is off (for good! Yay!) we really noticed how long his hair was getting... especially around the ears. Sometimes I still think it is so funny that I have a blonde'y baby. I always thought I'd have kids that looked like my Webb family... all brunets. Jordan got his Dad's blonde hair. I think he looks a lot like his Dad's baby pictures too.

Here we go! Jordan looks a little scared... "What's that buzzing sound?"

It wasn't much but it needed to go. Jordan did really well with his first hair cut. (I was worried it'd be like when my little brother Ron used to get hair cuts... my family knows exactly what I mean). Preston held his head as I buzzed away. He only got concerned when I was taking too long. And for never cutting a babies hair it went pretty well... I only messed up a little.

All done!
Jordan looks sharp with his shorter hair. These are my two favorite boys.

On to bath time to clean Jordan up. It was a fun little adventure. This first year has so many fun firsts to experience for Jordan and us parents as well.
We love our little boy!