Friday, October 31, 2014

Halloween 2014

Happy Halloween from the greatest super heroes around! Meet Superman and Spiderwomen!

Jordan wanted to be Superman for Halloween this year and so the rest of us fallowed in doing a family super hero theme.It was sooooo much fun! Check it out: Superman, Spiderwomen, Green Lantern, and Wonder Women... an unstoppable team.

Have you ever seen a prego Wonder Women? Well now you have! 

Here is Green Lantern and the little supers walking to the church for the trunker treat.
(p.s. I think this picture is so adorable.)

The kids had so much fun at the trunker treat! The weather was perfect and the candy was delicious. Natalie and Jordan had fun seeing everyone's costumes. Especially when they saw fellow super heroes.

Here the super family is hanging out at Uncle Nick and Aunt Cam's decorated trunk. It is so fun to be in the same ward with Nick and Cam. They are a none stop blast! Can you tell in this picture Natalie just wants to be done smiling so she can eat some more candy? Funny and not too surprising, our kids love "goodies."

Aunt Marissa even came to the Halloween festivities! She was a pirate and Cam was a cat. 

It was the best one we've had so far. Who knows what we'll be for next year? Now it's time to eat some of Jordan's peanut butter candy... he doesn't like it... so it's free game for Mom and Dad.  Yumm.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Natalie's 2nd Birthday!

Happy Birthday Natalie! She is now 2 years old!

Natalie is 2 years old.
Here are her stats from her check up:
Stature 33.5 in. 48th percentile
Weight 27 lbs. 0 oz. 70th percentile

Here are three photos: blowing the candle out, eating the cake, and family around to celebrate. It was fun having family around to enjoy this special time together. 

The opening of presents. I love Natalie's face in this fuzzy picture... it's fuzzy because I was laughing. She opened up the present from Grandma and Grandpa Murray and saw Olaf the snowman inside and made this amazed face. So cute!

This is Natalie's BIG smile. This means she had a very Happy Birthday! Thanks to all that came to share in the fun times. We can hardly believe Natalie is 2!

Some of Natalie's favorite things: She likes to dance, sing, smile, and give hugs. She likes Tinkerbell, Belle, and Spider Woman. She is starting to have big opinions on what she does and doesn't want to do. Everyone always comments on her beautiful blue eyes. I love how her hair curls in little ringlets at the bottom. She likes having cuddle time... especially when stalling to go to bed. She likes cake more than ice cream. She melts our hearts all the time with her sweet hugs and kisses. We love you Natalie!

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Family Fun

We wanted to go up into the mountains to catch some of the fall colors before they were gone. We went up by Snowbasin Ski Resort. We found a fun trail to explore and had a wonderful time. 

When the kids got tired of walking.. or the parents got tired of carrying we found a little meadow and sat down for a picnic. It was such a beautiful day to be outside and enjoy the Fall season! Natalie had fun throwing leaves as we walked. I thought it was pretty adorable. 

A view of some sweeties and some mountains. What a fun time. I am so grateful for this beautiful earth that enriches our lives as we pay attention to all that is around us. 

Jordan and Natalie wanted to help us make some pumpkin cookies. They got really into it! The were marvelous stirrers and taste testers. 

For one of our Family Home Evenings we had a Halloween goodie that was what we call worms in dirt (aka) gummy worms and chocolate pudding. Not surprisingly it was a great hit. Thank you internet for your fun Halloween ideas. 

Jordan is really into super heroes and because of that his little sis is too. One morning they both decided while still in their pajamas; to dress up in as super heroes using their favorite blankets as capes and putting on their masks. It was so adorable! I'm glad I have these brave super heroes to protect me from bad guys. 

Since Natalie is an October birthday, I love to dress her up in orange and black this time of year. Isn't she such a cute little lady?

This is the cutest photo bomb I've ever seen. 

Jordan wanted to be in the picture too. Our sweet kids. It is so fun to see them play together. 

Here is a little sneak peak of what Halloween will entail. It looks like serious business. Watch out bad guys, because you're going down. 

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Pumpkin Patch

Over Conference weekend we also went to a pumpkin patch that Nick and Cambria knew about. It was close by and free. Can't beat that! We had fun walking around and choosing pumpkins.

We picked a variety of sizes and colors. After we had our pumpkins that kiddos wanted to swing on Nick and Cambria's friends swings in their back yard. These kids like to swing, especially Natalie. 

After some lunch Nick and Preston got to work on pumpkin carving. Jordan picked the faces he wanted on the pumpkins. Both Jordan and Natalie were very excited to have pumpkins, as you can see by their expressions. It was very cute.

While the carving was going on Cam and I painted our nails in Halloween colors. Natalie wanted to join in the fun too. So for the first time ever in her life I painted her nails! She was actually so fascinated by the experience that she held still really well. She picked the color purple and was so excited to have toes painted just like us. Fun girl time together. 

The guys also played some bocce ball in the yard. Jordan requested one of his favorites at the O'Neal house.. Jumping out of the tree. Don't worry, Dad is always there to catch him. Jordan isn't afraid of heights which makes me proud. 

Here's our family funny face while at the pumpkin patch. We had a wonderful day with Uncle Nick and Aunt Cam. They are some of our favorite people in the entire world. Thanks for the good times and the great memories made!