Friday, February 22, 2013

Snow Day In Arizona!

Believe it or not we had a SNOW DAY in Arizona on the 20th of February! It was AWESOME! 
Here is a picture of the cute snowman our neighbors made.

The news had said a snow storm was coming in but I wasn't going to get my hopes up. When it began snowing at around 11:00 am I thought it was fun, since it snowed last February for a little while. Jordan and I kept watching it... and it began sticking. That's when I got excited.


The snow kept coming down and kept sticking. By the time Preston got home from work it was amazing to see the transformation the landscape had made. It went from dry brown desert to wet white wonderland. The best part was watching Jordan's excitement. He loved playing in the snow!

Here's a picture of Jordan trying to scoop the snow up from a ledge on the house. He had so much fun playing with the snow. The other picture is of a desert plant that was covered in snow. I thought it looked so funny with snow all over it. 

Our neighbors were nice enough to take a family photo of us in the snow. (Natalie had to play inside, sorry little lady... when you're older you can join in the snow fun.) Jordan had fun playing together with the kids in the neighborhood and enjoying this unique desert snow fall. 

Jordan couldn't wait to play in the snow with his Daddy. Preston introduced him to throwing snow balls and he quickly caught on to how fun it is. We had a great family snowball fight. He wouldn't come inside until we said we'd go have some hot chocolate with marshmallows. 

It was a magical experience to play in the snow in Arizona. We loved this special day.

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