Saturday, July 16, 2011

Thesis Defense

On July 6th, 2011 at 10:00 am Preston defended his thesis and passed! Hurray! He did an awesome job and only has minor revisions to make. I am so proud of my hubby!

Here is Preston before he began his defense. This picture shows the full title of his research... it's quite a mouthful. In simpler terms Preston did his research on measuring the flow induced vibration of synthetic vocal cords. So he studied the voice, not what you'd think an engineer would study but he did. Turns out the body has a whole lot of engineering to it.

It was so wonderful to be there to support Preston. He did a great job presenting his research, he prepared well, and he's worked very hard to get to where he is so fast. Way to go sweetie!

Here's a picture of all of the family that came to support Preston that day. There was: (going far to near) Bryce, Mikara, Bart, Charlie, Russell, Cambria, and Nic. Thanks everyone for your love and support! Having you there meant a lot to Preston.

While Preston was getting grilled about his thesis with his chair professors we got to go on a fun tour of the Anechoic Chamber on campus. Preston's friend Jesse Daily gave us a marvelous tour. We also got to go into the Reverberation Chamber, but for some reason I didn't get any pictures of that one.

Here's my bro Charlie in the Anechoic Chamber. It's an amazing room that is designed to stop the reflections of sound. You can do some funny tricks in this room. It was way cool!

Afterwards we all went out to eat at Los Hermanos (a family favorite). What a wonderful day and what a great day of accomplishment for Preston. We are all so proud of you!

1 comment:

  1. yeah! Congratulations! We are so proud of you!! Glad you are all doing well and having a good summer. It's fun to see all the pictures (above and below)- thanks for sharing!
