Saturday, July 9, 2011

Colonial Days

Colonial Days here in Provo was so fun! We went on July 2nd and got to see lots of examples of how people lived back in the Colonial times. Here is a picture of a women making wool into yarn. Pretty neat.

On Center Street, Provo has a Printing Museum. Here is a replica of the Guttenburg Printing Press. Which was the first printing press ever made. Preston had a ball asking the tour guide about how it all worked. What an engineer.

Here's a man doing some carving with wood... it looks like it'd take a lot of practice to do well. It was fun to meet the people doing these Colonial "crafts." (not sure what to call them). These people were way into their work and were very knowledgeable about the history of the colonies.

This is a Linotype machine. It's almost a 100 years old! The name of the machine is because this machine makes an entire line of metal type at once. It was the speed demon of it's day.

Here's Preston and Jordan by another printing machine. During Colonial Days we also got to walk through a museum of American history. It was full of amazing artifacts from history that you wouldn't expect to end up in Provo. For example, George Washington's wallet was there. What fun times we had and it was wonderful to reflect upon our nations great history.

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