Natalie is 1 1/2 years old
Here are her stats from her check up:
Length 32.23 in. 75 percentile
Head Circumference 48.5 cm 90-95 percentile
Weight 26 lbs 2 oz. 75%
Natalie can:
- Can say... a lot! "All done, erogo (aka) here you go, spoon, Jo Jo (Jordan), happy, blank'ey to name a few. She is saying so many new words a day. It's really fun to see her learn about the world around her.
- Climb on chairs, trying to get on bikes close to her size, running to keep up with her big bro
- Give the sweetest pucker kisses
- Coloring... she loves it!
- Dance to music... it's adorable.
- She loves to watch Jordan and do what he does, which can be good or bad depending on the moment.
- Going down slides on her tummy and just recently sitting up all by herself.
Natalie likes:
- Her big brother and doing whatever he's doing.
- Bubbles
- Stuffed animals
- Opening and closing things, moving something from one cup to the other
- Water and playing in it
- Fruit
- Queen on cuddles
- Coloring
- Music
Entering Nursery:
Natalie's first experience in nursery went pretty well. She went a week early and lasted about 20 minutes, but the next Sunday when it was official she lasted the entire time. Here's what happened to make that possible... She cried when she realized Mom was gone, then she got tired from crying so much, next she did the unimaginable... she fell asleep in one of the teachers arms! Our kids don't fall asleep in strangers arms. Pretty amazing. When she woke up she must have felt better because she decided to play with the toys. She was thrilled when I came to get her, but she still made it the whole time. We'll see how week two goes.
Every day we are so grateful this Little Lady became a part of our family. She is so happy, sweet, and full of love. She is such a light in our lives. We love you Natalie Ann Murray!
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