Thursday, June 28, 2012

Peppersauce Cave

Preston went with some friends to the Peppersauce cave in the Catalina Mountains near Oro Valley. He went with his friends Scott (Arizona shirt), Marcor (left back), and Marcor's cousin Zarin (left front). It was a great reprieve from the hot weather.

The caves actually had water in them which is amazing considering the only water around here is pulled from deep wells. Here is Preston in front of the main lake in the cave.

Here is my tough guy posing in front of a large hole. It gives a perspective of how cool the caves really are.

Here are some stalactites and stalagmites that have connected to each other. You can see the layers that have poured down on the stalagmite over the years.

After a long time of playing around in the mud, my fearless weekend warrior and his friends made it out dirty, tired, and happy.

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