Natalie is 12 months old.
Here are her stats from her check up:
Length 29.25 in. 50th percentile
Head Circumference 47.25 cm 95-97th percentile
Weight 20 lbs. 11 oz. 50th percentile
We went with some friends to the zoo the day of Natalie's birthday. She enjoyed the view from her stroller while eating her animal crackers and sipping her water. Natalie enjoyed all the new sights and sounds of the animals.
I had lots of fun with Natalie being an October birthday! We had Pumpkin French Toast with Apple Cider for dinner and her cake was orange with festive sprinkles. I'm sure she didn't care, but everyone else thought it was fun.
Here is Natalie working on destroying her birthday cake. She had a lot more fun taking it apart when we gave her a fork. She didn't end up eating much of it, but at least she had fun. Bath time followed soon after.
Our little Natalie does the most adorable things. It is so fun to see her personality, likes, dislikes, etc. developing. Natalie loves to cuddle, hold soft things (like stuffed animals and soft blankets), suck her thumb, give stuffed animals hugs, give kisses, and smile.
Natalie can walk with speed. She falls down often but gets right back up again ready to go chase a ball or see what her big brother is up to. She can say (more or less by saying the first half of the word): Mama, Dada, bear, ball, no, moon, book, and dog.
Natalie's favorite foods are raisins, craisins, and grapes. Notice any similarities there? She is getting used to cow's milk, but will only drink it if it's warm. Also, she has gone from one tooth in September to four with two more on the way.
Here is a little photo shoot of Natalie. I got a kick out of her different expressions. She is our sweet little girl. We can't believe she is a one year old. It seems like she just arrived and yet like she has always been here as a part of our family. We love the sweet, loving, and joyful spirit she is in our lives. Happy Birthday Little Lady!
she is so adorable and it is fun to read all about her. Happy birthday Natalie!